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Welcome to Fashiongogo Lens Page!!

We are offering original GEO contact lens from Korea. GEO medical is a well establish manufacturer of contact lens in korea. Geo lens are one of the best seller in the asian regions. Geo lens can gives you the dolly looks eyes that you all are wishing for!! All lens are valid for 1yr use. Please click here for terms and condition before placing any orders...Happy Shopping!!

Announcement for Batch #1!!

Batch 1 starts now!!
Closing date : 20th July 2009!!

Click here to order!!

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Caring For Lens

Caring for Lens

For the continued safe and comfortable use of your lenses, it is important to follow the instruction given to you by your Eye Care Practitioner. Failure to follow the correct lens care regime may result in the development f serious eye problems. Cleaning and rinsing are essential to remove mucus, secretions and deposits which may have accumulated during use. Do this immediately after removing your lenses and prior to disinfection. Harmful germs can only be removed by cleaning, rinsing and disinfection.

  • Use fresh, unexpired lens care solutions.
  • Never use solutions recommended for conventional hard lenses only. As GEO products are soft lens.
  • Never put your lenses in your mouth or use anything other than the recommended solutions for lubricaing or wetting your lenses.
  • Never rinse lenses in tap water, since this can contain many impurities that can contaminate or damage your lenses and may lead to eyes infection or injury.
  • Put each lens into the correct chamber of the lens storage case and make sure they are completely immersed in the storage solution when they are not being worn. Of lenses are left inside cases for long periods, they may dry out and become brittle.
  • Seek the advice of your Eye Care Practitioner if your lenses are to be stored for extended periods. since lens cases can be a source of bacteria, after use they should be emptied, cleaned and rinsed with recommended sterile solutions and allowed for air dry.
  • Your lens case should be replaced regularly as advised by the lens case manufacturer or your Eye Care Practitioner.
  • Never use tap water to rinse your lens case.

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